Registering Your Business

Why should I register?

The Somerset Supply Chain is actively utilised to match the requirements of contractors involved a number of projects with suitably skilled companies. If a company is not registered their details cannot be made available to contractors.

Companies who have registered on the supply chain will receive up-to-date news and be invited to relevant project events and workshops, such as Meet the Buyer.

My company is based in the South West but not within the boundaries of Somerset. Am I able to register on the Supply Chain and attend events?

Yes. The Somerset Supply Chain is the main point of contact for Somerset and South West businesses wishing to engage in a number of projects.

We would also be very happy to assist in connecting you with local Somerset and South West suppliers where collaboration between national or international and regional suppliers could lead to a productive supplier “partnership”.

What happens after I register?

Once you have submitted your registration you will receive an email confirming that your submission has been received. Your company’s registration will be reviewed and if additional information is required you will be contacted by the supply chain team via email.

Registrations that lack information do not best represent a company, you are strongly recommended to fill in as much as can and return often to update your record with any new, relevant information that can help push you in to searches and appear for the contractors.

I have registered, what can I do now?

In order to review or update your registration please Login

If you have any issues you can select “Forgotten password” and follow the prompts to recover your account.

If you are unable to complete the process to create a new password please contact a member of the Somerset Supply Chain Team at the Somerset Chamber of Commerce who will be able to escalate the problem for you.

I registered a while ago but have not heard anything about my registration or been invited to tender for any work

If you want to discuss your registration please e-mail the Somerset Supply Chain team at the Somerset Chamber of Commerce on info@somersetsupplychain.co.uk, or call the office on 01823 444924.

You will receive invitations to relevant events. If you have not received communication recently it may be that your e-mail address is incorrect or out of date on your registration. Please Login and check that all contact details are correct. If your contact details are correct but have not received recent correspondence, check that any e-mail notifications are not in your junk folder. You can contact the team any time to discuss projects and your registration.

If you have signed up for the newsletter you will be regularly sent the latest news.

Throughout the development of projects many different phases take place, your expertise may be relevant to work packages that have not been released yet. Do not be discouraged if you have not had any recent feedback from your registration as it may be a case of waiting for your capabilities to be required by a project.

In the mean time, we would re-emphasise the need for companies to commit to the project by being as proactive as possible. This can be achieved by actively networking with those involved at supply chain events and workshops.

My company is based in the South West but not within the boundaries of Somerset. Am I able to register on the Supply Chain and attend events?

Yes. The Somerset Supply Chain is the main point of contact for Somerset and South West businesses wishing to engage in a number of projects.

We would also be very happy to assist in connecting you with local Somerset and South West suppliers where collaboration between national or international and regional suppliers could lead to a productive supplier “partnership”.

What support is available to all suppliers?

The Somerset Chamber of Commerce coordinate and drive local supplier engagement. This web site is managed by the Chamber and has developed into a major source of information for local suppliers including information about the events and support available.

The Somerset Supply Chain Team, delivered by the Somerset Chamber of Commerce, can help with any query and can be contacted at info@somersetsupplychain.co.uk or on 01823 443425.

We would also be very happy to assist in connecting you with local Somerset and South West suppliers where collaboration between national or international and regional suppliers could lead to a productive supplier “partnership”.

Making Contact

Who do I contact if I have questions and where can I find information about the project?

The Somerset Chamber of Commerce coordinate and drive local supplier engagement. This web site is managed by the Chamber and has developed into a major source of information for local suppliers including information about the events and support available.

The Somerset Supply Chain Team, delivered by the Somerset Chamber of Commerce, can help with any query and can be contacted at info@somersetsupplychain.co.uk or on 01823 443425.

We would also be very happy to assist in connecting you with local Somerset and South West suppliers where collaboration between national or international and regional suppliers could lead to a productive supplier “partnership”.

Contracts Tendering and Support Offered to Businesses

How can increase my chances of being invited to tender?

We suggest you consider the following:

  • Register your company with as accurate and full data as possible. Give us a chance to match you to requirements by thinking as broadly as possible about what you offer and telling us in the various fields
  • Review your registration at least every six months and keep all the information up to date
  • Make clear your prime capability
  • Attend the events and workshops available to provide information to companies about your prime capability
  • If accreditations such as ISO accreditation or equivalent quality and safety standards are not in place and are likely to be necessary then take steps to find out what is involved. Contact the supply chain team for more details on info@somersetsupplychain.co.uk
  • Continue your normal business development activity to find out which contractors might need your services and when. The Somerset Supply Chain should be viewed as one of a range of tools to help you get in front of the right people at the right time

This is a huge project and I’m a small business. What is the scale of work that is likely to be contracted out to small to medium size Somerset companies, and how can I obtain work on a project that involves contract values greater than what my company can normally provide?

The range and size of opportunities is considerable with work packages that range from very small to very significant across a wide spectrum of business activity which is why businesses of all sizes are encouraged to register.

Aside from finding suitable work packages, another way in which small and medium size companies can obtain work on a larger pieces of work is by collaborating with other local companies. This has been done successfully a number of times and the supply chain team can provide you with more information info@somersetsupplychain.co.uk or call on 01823 443425

The Somerset Chamber of Commerce continue to run work package workshops with main contractors where specific requirements and collaboration opportunities will be highlighted. The supply chain team can then use the tools in the office to match suppliers to the requirements or arrange workshops to educate the supply chain about what is needed.

Invitations to such events, and all other events held by Somerset Chamber of Commerce, are sent out via e-mail, so please make sure that e-mails from us are not sent to your junk folder, or you may miss out.

Keep a regular eye on the website www.somersetsupplychain.co.uk and make sure you register. This is the first step in the process to give your business a chance of getting in front of the right people at the right time.

I have heard there is a meet the buyer event, how can I make sure I can attend?

The meet the buyer events are organised to maximise value for both Somerset businesses and for the contractors looking for suppliers. They are based on the successful formula developed by Somerset Chamber:

  • Contractors looking for suppliers based on the current contracts are helped to host a meet the buyer event
  • The Somerset Supply Chain Team liaises with main contractors about registered Somerset businesses whose capabilities match their requirements
  • The relevant supplier companies are invited to attend the event

There is a rolling programme of meet the buyer events which is constantly updated as more work packages are identified.

How can I find out what contracts are coming up that I can bid for?

Many of the work packages that Somerset businesses will be able to bid for will be put out to tender by the contractor companies, who themselves have been awarded contracts by the project owners.

Sometimes projects issue contracts directly to suppliers, some of which have been awarded to Somerset and South West businesses already.

The Somerset Supply Chain Team is proactively working with contractors to establish what requirements their work packages have and where that represents opportunities for South West suppliers.