Our Mission is Clear...

To create a seamless network where local businesses and organisations can thrive.

At Somerset Supply Chain, we are at the heart of collaborative commerce, connecting businesses, entrepreneurs and partners to unlock the full potential of Somerset's vibrant economic landscape.

As a strategic initiative spearheaded by Somerset Chamber of Commerce, we are dedicated to fostering growth, innovation and prosperity within our community.

Our mission is clear: to create a seamless network where local businesses and organisations thrive. We are here to streamline supply chain processes, facilitate partnerships and support economic development through multiple endeavours which you can find here (eg. www.somersetsupplychain.co.uk/projects). The range of opportunities will continue expanding in future with many more exciting projects already on the horizon.

Registering with the Somerset Supply Chain is a strategic move to tackle business challenges.

It opens doors to many opportunities for your business through the projects you choose to be involved in, enabling you to streamline operations and reduce costs. Your time and effort here are an investment in overcoming obstacles and achieving sustainable success in Somerset.

Join us today and be part of a network that is redefining supply chain dynamics and paving the way for growth and success in our community.